Newsletter Committee

The Conscious Contact newsletter is a vehicle for communication throughout the district that both solicits and welcomes articles from all AAs. It is intended to be a confidential document for use within the fellowship. In addition to material received within the district, Conscious Contact may carry material pertaining to A.A. life and service selected from Box 4-5-9, The Grapevine and other A.A. publications and newsletters.
The Newsletter committee’s responsibilities include:
Solicit submissions of articles
Edit submissions for grammar and format
Include upcoming events pertaining to groups, district, area or regional A.A. related activities
Produce* and distribute both print and web versions of the District 10 newsletter, a 4-6 page publication, twelve (12)** times a year prior to each monthly District meeting.*Remove committee members’ contact information prior to submitting web version to the Website Committee per 2022 approved motion. **The number of District 10 meetings will dictate the number of Conscious Contact issues published annually. Occasionally, eleven (11) issues will be published due to holidays conflicting with District 10 meetings.


You may submit stories, articles, or coming events using the form below.

You can view or download submission instructions here.

Members are encouraged to share AA related stories (anonymously) and share upcoming events from their groups.  Use the form below to submit a story or article to us.  Please do not use copyrighted material.  Your first name and one way to contact you are the only personal information required.

Submit a Story or Article for Conscious Contact
Check here if you want your article to be anonymous. Your name will then appear as ‘Anonymous’ in print.
You must provide EITHER an email address or phone number in case we have questions about your submission. Neither will be published with your submission.
Type or Cut-n-Paste your story or article into the field above. You can edit before you hit the SUBMIT button.